Friday, May 22, 2009

May 21, 2009

Ava is up to 5 pounds 6 ounces!! She is starting to look chubbybelieve it or not! I will be posting pictures of her tonight.
May 19, 2009

Okay so Ava gained almost 4 ounces today! She weighs 5 pounds 5ounces!! WAHOO!! Apparently the nurses really like her purple ilove my daddy outfit because everytime i take it home to wash theyput it on her the next day! haha! I love her so much! I can't waituntil she comes home!!! She was making lots of noises tonight whenI came. I think she is trying to tell me that she is ready to comehome too! We are almost there! Goodnight everyone!
May 19, 2009

I just got off the phone with Ava'a nurse, and she is officiallybreathing on her own!!!! NO MORE NASAL CANULA! I will pray that shedoes well, and they won't have to put her back on oxygen!!!YAY!!!!!!!
May 18, 2009

They measured Ava last night, and she is 17 inches long. She gained 20 grams, but is still at 5 pounds 1 ounce...almost 5 pounds 2 ounces. They are going to lower her to 0.25 liter of oxygen because she has been on room air for a few days now. They said they think she can handle not having the nasal canula, but they don't want her working too hard to breathe and burning calories. They want her to gain a little bit more weight before they take her completely off the nasal canula. Other than that, she is taking all of her bottles wonderfully! I'm so ready for her to be home!! Have a great day everyone!
May 16, 2009

AVA IS 5 POUNDS 1 OUNCE!!!! FINALLLLY!!!! Pictures of her andher room at home coming soon!

Not a good day...

May 15, 2009

Well the good news is Ava now weighs 4 pounds 14 ounces. She is now eating 45 ml every three hours. Now for the bad news...her ultrasound results came back...They found some cysts where the bleeding occurred which is concerning. It's possible that the cysts are just scars from the bleeding, but they won't know until they do an MRI when she gets a little older. If it's not scars it could be PVL, which stands for periventricular leukomalacia. Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is damage and softening of the white matter, the inner part of the brain that transmits information between the nerve cells and the spinal cord as well as from one part of the brain to another.

With PVL, the area of damaged brain tissue can affect the nerve cells that control motor movements. As the baby grows, the damaged nerve cells cause the muscles to become spastic, or tight, and resistant to movement. Babies with PVL have a higher risk of developing cerebral palsy (a group of disorders that prevent the child from controlling their muscles normally), and may have intellectual or learning difficulties. There is nothing we can do at this point but wait and see how she develops. Please keep our precious little girl in your prayers.
May 14, 2009

One of Ava's nurses informed me that they plan for her to behome by the first week in June. I am REALLY excited! Her weightdidn't change last night, but she had a huge gain the day before sothat's okay. She took her bottle like a pro last night! Morepictures to come tonight. Love you all!
May 13, 2009

4 pounds 12 ounces!! She is having a follow-up head ultrasoundtomorrow so we will see how that goes!!!
May 8, 2009

She is at 4 pounds 8 ounces!!!!! WAHOOOOO!
May 8, 2009

4 pounds 5 ounces, eating 39ml of the high calorie food, and growing everyday!!!
May 7, 2009

Ava is still at 4 pounds 4 ounces, BUT I did just talk to hernurse and they are allowing her to have 3 bottles a day! IF shetolerates that, they will add a bottle everyday until she is on thebottle completely....then they will start discussing what we needto do to get her home. Keep praying everyone!
May 6, 2009

James and I went to see Ava last night, and it was a great night for her. First off, James changed her diaper for the first time (which is a huge accomplishment :) I got to feed her through the bottle...the nurse told me we would watch and see how she did, and at first she had trouble but I gave her a few minutes to re-group and she drank the rest of the bottle! We were amazed! She had done it the day before but she only tolerated 15ml through the bottle. She is no longer in the isolated bed!! She is in a cute little wooden crib. It's nice to be able to touch her as soon as we walk in the room. She did lose a little weight the past 2 days but the nurse thinks it could be that the scales are different AND changing into a different bed can be a bit of a work out for her. I think that's all the updates I have for now. Have a great day everyone!
May 3, 2009

She is at 4 pounds 4 ounces! Now eating 38ml every 3 hours! Go Ava bear!!!


May 1, 2009

Ava officially weighs 4 pounds 1 ounce!!!!!!!
May 1, 2009

Okay everyone, Ava is at 3 pounds 15 ounces! Only one more ounceand our little ray of sunshine will be at 4 pounds! I'm hopingtonight is the night!
April 29, 2009

She gained an ounce yesterday so that puts her at 3 pounds 14ounces! She is now eating 35ml of the high calorie high proteinformula every 3 hours. They attempted to give her the bottleyesterday, but she didn't like that one bit...they said they willtry again next week. She is just adorable! Every night when I gosee her she has grown! Thank you for all your prayers andsupport!
April 27, 2009

Ava is up to 3 pounds 13 ounces! We are gettin' there! :)
April 26, 2009

Ava gained weight last night! She is up to 3 pounds 11 ounces!!WAHOOO!!!
April 24, 2009

They did a brain ultrasound last Thursday and the report isback. All of the blood has absorbed! Thank goodness! She is now at3 pounds 9 ounces! She did lose 10 grams last night, but they saidthat wasn't anything to worry about! I posted more pics too! Have abeautiful weekend!!!
April 22, 2009

Ava is back up to 3 pounds 7 ounces. They started her on her newformula last night so hopefully she will gain some more weight! Iadded more pictures too!
April 21, 2009

Hello everyone! I have a brief update for you... The past couple of nights Ava has lost weight...(a couple of ounces) They don't really have an explanation for me. They specially ordered a new formula which is 30 cal with high protein. They just received it today so they will start her on it when they feed her tonight. The good news is that she did gain an ounce last night, which was a relief. Her official weight now is 3 pounds 6 ounces. Other than the weight issue, they moved her feeding tube into her nose because she keeps pulling it out. She had her follow-up eye exam today, and it went well. She didn't like it very much, but her eyes are good! That's all for now! Have a great day!

Love Kelly
April 18, 2009

Our little boogie bear is up to 3 pounds 7 ounces! I posted somenew pics also! Goodnight!
April 16, 2009

Ava now weighs 3 pounds 5 ounces! They have her eating 30mlevery 3 hours! She is still on the vapatherm, but they continue tolower her oxygen levels which is good! That's all the updates fornow. Have a good day!
April 12, 2009

Hello, this is Casey AGAIN..I wanted to let everyone know that Ava has been doing really well and she now weighs 3lbs 1oz! Her little arms are starting to look a little chunky :) Kelly hasn't been doing so well, she had a really good day but she still took it easy and then the next day she was back to being nauseated all the time, vomiting, and overall just felt really bad. Yesterday her temperature got up to 102 so we called her doctor and he said to take her to the ER because he thinks that she may have an infection. A couple of days ago, her white blood cell count was up so they started her on an antibiotic but with the immunosuppressants that she has to take for her kidney, they sort of work against each other. The antibiotic wasn't doing the job so they admitted her yesterday because they found mulitple pockets of pus (infection) in her abdomen which may be causing a partial bowel obstruction. They are keeping her NPO (no food or fluids by mouth) and hoping that the antibiotics will resolve the pockets since they are so small. If that doesn't work, then they will have to go in and drain them but that may be able to be done without having to open her back up. So hopefully this will resolve with antibiotics and rest..and hopefully this will be the last time she is in the hospital for awhile. I will keep everyone updated and I hope everyone has a "Happy Easter!"
April 5, 2009

Hello! This is Casey..I figured I needed to give everyone a little update on what is going on with Kell and Ava bear. Ava is still doing wonderful, they have increased her feedings to 24ml every 3 hours and she is still growing and weighs 2lbs 13oz! Almost 3lbs! The formula they have her on is high in calories so it is definitely helping "beef" her up :) Kelly was discharged home from the hospital on Friday. Her pain has been tolerable but she hasn't had an appetite and is basically just tired of being sick. They had to give her 2 liters of blood on Thursday but she is still feeling pretty weak. I'm sure everyone knows how being sick can really take a toll on you mentally, emotionally, and physically. She is just tired of feeling bad but understands that she needs to rest right now so that she can build up her strength in order to get better. That's all for now..I hope everyone is having a good day :)

Back to the hospital..

March 31, 2009

Hello..this is Casey again. Kelly was discharged home yesterday and is back in the hospital today. When she got home yesterday, she was still in a lot of pain, she couldn't keep anything down, and was nauseated all night. Today she went to her doctor's office and they admitted her back into the hospital because she still has an obstruction causing her bowels not to work which is causing her to vomit. She wanted me to let everyone know that her phone has been dead so if anyone has tried to get ahold of her that is why you haven't. As for little Ava, she is now 2lbs 4oz! They put her back on the CPAP for a little bit so she could rest and not burn off so many calories when she works hard to breathe. That's all I have for now but I will continue to keep everyone updated.
March 29, 2009

Hello! This is Casey far everything is still good with Ava. They have had her on the vapotherm (pretty much a really small nasal cannula)all day and they do not plan to put her back on the CPAP which is reallllly good because Ava is not too fond of the CPAP. Kell and I put a little hat on her head when we were in there and took some pictures so you will have to look at them! She looked so comfortable and was just resting in her little incubator :) As for Kell, she is doing better but she was off to a rough start this morning. The spinal started to wear off and she was in A LOT of pain so it took awhile before they could get her pain controlled. The doctor decided to keep her another night but said that she should be able to go home tomorrow and that she will take the drain out at her office on Tuesday. That's all I have for now..have a good night!

Surgery is no fun...

March 28, 2009

Hello! This is Casey..I just wanted to give everyone an update on Kell and Ava. Everything is pretty much the same with Ava..all she needs to do is keep gaining weight! Kelly had surgery early this morning to repair a hernia. She had been having a lot of pain this past week and she started to develop hardened areas around her incision that were very tender and painful. She went to the doctor yesterday and they did an ultrasound then a catscan and discovered that part of her bowel was herniated between her muscle that had not healed properly. Everything went well with the surgery, they put everything back where it needed to be and cleaned her out where the infection had been before. They put staples in and a drain to help eith the healing process..the drain should come out tomorrow morning and she should be able to go home. I will keep everyone updated throughout the day..thanks!
March 27, 2009

Ava weighs 2 pounds 2 ounces!
March 26, 2009

Ava is eating 19ml every three hours :) I think she likes to eatlike her mama.
March 25, 2009

I just spoke to Ava's nurse and she told me that Ava weighs 2pounds 1 ounce! WAHOO!! :)
March 25, 2009

We are now up to 17ml :)
March 23, 2009

We're up to 16ml every three hours! They are dressing Ava up asan Easter egg tonight! Don't worry I will get plenty of pictures :)The doctors told me now we just need Ava to hopefully thenext few weeks she gains lots of weight :) Love you all!
Kelly, James & Ava bear
March 22, 2009

Ava had a great day today! She is doing REALLY well on the CPAP!The only changes are she now weighs 1 pound 13 ounces and they arefeeding her 15ml every three hours! She loves to eat! :) Hope youall have a great night!

Happy Daddy...

March 21, 2009

Well we have more exciting news! James got to hold Ava tonight for the first time! He was soooo happy! She is officially off the vent and now on CPAP. She looks a lot more comfortable without that huge tube in her mouth! I was also surprised to find out that they are now feeding her 13ml every three hours! They had told me last night that 11ml was the max for her size, but they seem to think that since she is tolerating her feeds so well they are going to keep increasing her feeds so she can start gaining weight. I can't wait until she is my chunky little munchkin! Hope you all have a great night!
Love Kelly, James & Ava

First time...

March 20, 2009

Okay everyone...I finally got to hold Ava tonight for the first time! James took pictures, and I went ahead and posted them!! She was sooo happy and comfortable the whole time! She is now eating 11ml every three hours which is the max for her size. She still weighs 1 pound 12 ounces, but that should change soon because they are now feeding her steady. They are still planning on taking her off the vent tomorrow as long as she passes gas over the night. Her stomach looked a lot better today compared to yesterday. I also got to change her diaper for the first time! James was jealous :) That's all for tonight! Don't forget to check out the pictures!!!

Good news...

March 19, 2009

Well we have some great news! The bleeding has NOT spread to the other side of the brain. The ultrasound didn't have any changes. The doctors said the blood would eventually re-absorb. They didn't hear the heart murmur today so hopefully it's gone for good. They planned on taking Ava off the ventilator, but they noticed that her stomach was bigger today by 2cm. So they did an ultrasound of her stomach, and she has A LOT of air in it. Once the air clears out they will put her on the CPAP. I think that's all the news we have for now. We can't thank you enough for all your prayers and support through these times. We are blessed to have such great people in our lives!!!

Love Kelly, James & Ava

Another ultrasound..

March 18, 2009

They will be doing another ultrasound of Ava's brain tomorrowmorning. They are concerned with her blood levels so they want tomake sure that her brain isn't bleeding more. The infection theyhave been treating her for is gone now. They started her oncaffeine today to prepare to take her off the ventilator tomorrow.We are just praying that there isn't anymore bleeding in her brainbecause this will cause even more damage than what's already beendone. Keep Ava in your prayers tonight.
March 17, 2009

Ava didn't have much urine output last night so they didn'tstart the Indomethacin until this evening. Her urine output wasgood today. She also had a HUGE bowel movement :) Other than thateverything else is still the same. Have a good evening!

Heart murmur..

March 16, 2009

Well I spoke with Ava's doctor today, and she told me they heard the heart murmur again. So their plan is to start the medication called Indomethacin, again for the second round. They went ahead and stopped her feedings again today because she can't eat while being on this medication. So we are really hoping this round of medication works. They also told me they plan on taking Ava off the ventilator just as soon as her infection is gone. They told me they were very impressed with her breathing, but they just wanted to wait until her overall condition is better. They did a blood culture on her yesterday so they will have the results within a couple of days. Keeping praying for our little one. Thank you for all your love and support!
March 15, 2009

Ava is still on the ventilator as of Sunday night, but they are hopeful that she will be off within the next couple of days. She weighs 1 pound 13 ounces! She has been pretty active the past couple of days. She opens her eyes A LOT now! Every time I talk to her she opens her eyes...I LOVE IT! That's all the news I have for now. We are hoping for some good news tomorrow.
March 14, 2009

Well I don't have any major updates tonight, but sometimes no news is good news, right? She is now being fed 9ml! They will start feeding her 10ml late tonight! They are hoping to get her back on CPAP tomorrow. I still haven't held her, but I'm okay with it. I just want what's best for her so I'm happy to wait until she is ready. James finally held her hand. :) He was scared to touch her because he didn't want to hurt her. We will be going tomorrow afternoon so I'm hoping she will be off the ventilator by the time we get there. I'll be sure to let everyone know! Have a good night!

Friday, the 13th...

March 13, 2009

Ava bear was good tonight. They took her PICC line out last night because her blood culture came back positive 3 days in a row for an infection. They started another antibiotic that will last 7 days. They started feeding her again, and she is already up to 6ml every 3 hours. They said she will be up to 10ml every 3 hours by tomorrow and will stay at 10ml. They told me they are hoping that she will be off the ventilator by Sunday because she is doing so well. That's all I have for now. Have a good night!
March 12, 2009

I just returned from Ava's room, and the nurse told me they nolonger hear the heart murmur! It seems the medicine has worked!They will begin feeding her this afternoon at 3:00p.m. starting offwith 2ml and if she tolerates that well they will bump it up to 4mland so on and so forth! I am happy they didn't hear the murmuranymore! We'll just keep praying for Ava and her healthy recovery! Thanks everyone!
March 11, 2009

I just got back from visiting our little butterfly, Ava. She looked beautiful as usual. :) The doctor had an update for me that I thought I'd share with you all.. Ava has a condition called PDA. This stands for Patent Ductus Arteriosus. I'm sure you are all wonderng what this means so I thought I'd better look it up for you guys. PDA is a heart problem that occurs soon after birth in some babies. In PDA, there is an abnormal circulation of blood between two of the major arteries near the heart. Before birth, the major arteries- the aorta and the pulmonary artery are normally connected by a blood vessel called the Ductus Arteriosus, which is an essential part of the fetal circulation. After birth, the vessel is suppose to close within a few days as a part of the normal changes occuring in the baby's circulation. In some babies, however, the Ductus Arteriosus remains open (patent). (Ava's remained open) This opening allows blood to flow directly from the Aorta into the Pulmonary Artery which can be a strain on the heart and increase the blood pressure in the lung arteries. They will be treating this condition with a medicine called Indomethacin. During this time period, they will NOT be feeding her. Assuming the medications work, they will be feeding her within a couple days. They were feeding her 9ML every 3 hours as of yesterday, but when they start feeding her again they will start it off slowly feeding her approximately 4ML every 3 hours. Dr. Edwards said that this was very common with preemies, and he expects everything to go smoothly. I will let you know if I hear anythig else. Keep on praying for our little booger :)
March 9, 2009

This is Casey again..just wanted to give a quick update on Kell and Ava. I was at the hospital earlier this evening and they wouldn't let us go back to see Ava because respiratory was working with her. Not too long after that, Ava's doctor came in to talk to Kelly and said that Ava was having a hard time breathing on her own so they had to put her back on the ventilator but that she was much more comfortable once they put her back on it. He said that she was having to work too hard today so they had to help her out but that they hope to take her off of the ventilator within the next few days. As for Kelly, they are keeping her NPO so she can't have any food or anything to drink by mouth. They want to give her pancreas a break so that the inflammation will go down and they did stop the medication that caused the pancreatitis. They are giving her a lot of pain medication to help her with the pain and to help her rest. With all of the doctors and nurses coming in and doing what they need to do, it is hard for Kelly to get the rest that she needs so that is why we asked that she doesn't have any visitors right now. When I left the hospital, James was with her and she was catching up on some sleep and hopefully she will sleep through the night! Her doctor told her that she should be feeling better and out of the hospital within a couple of days. James, Kelly, and Ava have been so strong throughout all of this and I know that they appreciate all of the love and support that they have received from friends and family

Kelly and Ava...

March 9, 2009

Hello this is Casey again..I will start off with a little update on Ava then let you know what is going on with Kelly. I went to see Ava last night and she is still off the ventilator and moving around like a wild child. She cracks me up because we will be sitting down and all of the sudden we will see her feet or hands just pop up in the air and wiggle around! Her nurse said that she had been doing really well and was just being her spunky self! As for Kelly, yesterday was a very rough day for her. She had been having some pain around her incision where it is healing but yesterday around noon she started to have some upper left abdominal pain that was excruciating. She couldn't move without the pain getting worse and it started to radiate throughout her whole abdomen. She was really upset because she was supposed to hold Ava for the first time last night but she was in too much pain so we had to talk her into to calling Ava's nurse to let her know that she wasn't coming. We ended up taking her to the ER at Clarian last night and they gave her pain medication to help relieve her pain until they could do a catscan. The catscan revealed that Kelly has pancreatitis which the doctors found very odd for someone her age and considering her health history. They did a little research and found out that one of Kelly's anti-rejection drugs that she takes for her kidney can cause pancreatitis. They had to switch her medications when she became pregnant with Ava and the one that they switched to is the one causing the pancreatitis. So basically they were planning on taking her off of that one anyway and putting her back on what she normally takes so they went ahead and took her off of it last night. They admitted Kelly to help control her pain (she was requiring very very large doses of pain medicine to help control this pain) and so a GI doctor could see her this morning to see if they needed to do anything else for the pancreatitis or if it would resolve itself. They put her on the 5th floor last night but moved her this morning to the 3rd floor so that she could be on the same floor as Ava. I will keep everyone updated on Kell's and Ava's status. Thanks again for everything :)
March 8, 2009

Our beautiful little girl is having a great morning already! Ava was officially taken off the ventilator late last night! She had a couple episodes within the first 30 minutes, but she has been doing great ever since! The nurse said that she breathes a little fast sometimes, but that usually doesn't last long! I'm hoping to hold our little booger today for the first time, but we will see how it goes. I will be sure to get plenty of pictures today!!!
March 7, 2009

Hello everyone! I just got off the phone with Ava's nurse, and she had some good news...first off, they increased her feedings to 5 1/2ml every 3 hours! She likes to eat, that's for sure. She also told me that Ava had a huge bowel movement this morning. I think the terms she used was "explosion". HaHa! That's my girl. AND last but not least, they came down on her ventilator. Hopefully within the next week they can take her off the ventilator completely. I was relieved to hear some good news this morning. Hope everyone is having a lovely day!
-Kelly & James
March 7, 2009

Hey everyone it's Kelly. I just wanted to thank you all for your support and prayers. Yesterday was a rough day for me, but this is what the doctors have been trying to prepare us for all along. I know there are going to be really good days, and I now know there are going to be really bad days too. I am trying to stay as positive as possible. I will say that they increased Ava's feeding yesterday. She is now getting 4ML every 3 hours. She is also continuing to poop! We were with her for a couple hours last night, and she just kept looking around and staring at us. It made me happy. We are going back to the hospital this afternoon to see her, and hopefully there isn't any bad news. I know Ava is a fighter, and all we can do is continue to pray and have faith. Thank you again.

Bad day..

March 6, 2009

Hello..this is Casey..Kelly is driving and is pretty upset right now so I figured I would update everyone with what is going on. The results came back from the ultrasound showing that Ava does have bleeding in her brain (intraventricular hemorrhage). There are four stages that the bleeding is graded on and Ava's bleeding is stage four. This means that the bleeding has occurred in the brain tissues surrounding the ventricles. Ava's doctor said that the bleeding is only on one side of her brain so that if she did have complications, it would only effect one side of her brain/body rather than both. The doctor said Ava's chances of complications are 50-50. The complications are normally associated with vision, hearing, and other higher cognitive functions but can also result in some kind of neurological disability depending on the severity and location of the bleed. Last night, Ava's nurse said that sometimes the worst bleeds can result in zero complications so this means that we just have to keep praying and stay strong for Ava, Kelly, and James. We won't really know anything right away, I guess only time will tell if there are any complications from the bleed. They are going to do another ultrasound in a couple of weeks unless they have reason to do one sooner. Thanks again for everyone's support and prayers throughout all of this. Ava is a fighter and I'm hoping that she takes that 50-50 chance to her advantage :)
March 5, 2009

Well they were successful with putting in the PICC line. The nurses said that Ava did very well! I thought she might be groggy tonight due to the morphine, but she was still her spunky self! :) They still didn't have the report back from the ultrasound, but they will have it by the morning. They will be removing all of the lines from her stomach tonight so James and I will have a good chance of holding her by next week! I can't wait!! Thank you for all the prayers! They seem to be working so keep it up :)
March 5, 2009

I just got back from the hospital..they are putting in a PICC line on Ava today. They said that the lines in her stomach can dry out so putting in a PICC line will be helpful in drawing blood and giving her fluids. They will be giving her morphine so she won't feel anything. They are also taking an ultrasound of her brain this afternoon to make sure there isn't any bleeding. They told me I should have the results by the time we go back this evening or by morning. Keep praying for our little booger!
March 5, 2009

I spoke with Ava's nurse late last night, and she informed methat Ava is starting to poop! Haha! Go Ava!!!!
March 4, 2009

I just posted a few more pictures. The nurse told me that Avalost some weight today, but that was completely normal because itwas most likely swelling that she lost. They turned down her oxygena little bit today which is great! She looks better every day! Iwill be going back to the hospital in the morning and hopefullythey will have more good news!

Little update...

March 4, 2009

I just got back from the hospital, and Ava is doing good! Theyare now feeding her 3ml instead of 2ml. She still hasn't poopedyet, but they said she should anytime now. She is always so spunkyand moving around! She is adorable!!! I am going back this eveningand will try to get more pictures!
March 2, 2009

I don't really have much of an update other than Ava digested pretty much everything they fed her this evening! I keep trying to get pictures of her with her eyes open, but she just likes to give me a challenge :)
March 2, 2009

I just got back from the hospital, and we have more good news! They started to feed Ava today, and she digested half of what they fed her! The doctor told me this was VERY good. They also told me that she now weighs 1 pound 12 ounces! I'm so excited to hear all the good news. I was talking to her today, and she opened her eyes and was staring at me. It was so precious! I will be going back to the hospital this evening to see her again so I will post more updates if there are any.

Today was a good day...

March 1, 2009

Well today was a really good day for Ava! Before today, one of her eyes was fused shut, and the nurse went in her room this morning and her eye was open! She looks gorgeous! She was taken off the oscillator so her chest isn't bouncing up and down anymore. She looks really comfortable. Ava is on 25% oxygen which is excellent considering 21% is room air. They also took off the goofy looking "goggles" on her head/eyes, and I must say she looks SO much like James. I know it's still really early to tell, but she has her daddy's looks. Well I will be heading back to the hospital in the morning and will be sure to update you with any more news that comes our way. I will also post more pictures tonight! Thank you all for everything! Love you!
February 28, 2009

Today when Casey and I went in to see Ava, the doctors were in there making their rounds so we got to listen in on everything that is going on with her. They took her off of her antibiotic yesterday but they started it back up today because her WBCs (white blood cells) were low which could indicate pneumonia in preemies. They said that her chest xray didn't show that she had pneumonia but that they like to take care of any possible problems before they become a problem. They also said that Ava's platelets were low and which can keep her blood from clotting so I signed a consent stating that she can receive platelets and they started that at noon today. She is still on the ventilator and has been back and forth with how much oxygen she wants us to give her. Last night she got down to 30% (21% is room air) which is really good but at times she would go back to needing 50%. This is nothing new for her and nothing new for a baby born as early as Ava. Her nurses always joke and say that Ava just likes to have attention and will need her oxygen to be turned either up or down as soon as they walk out of the room. They didn't have her legs covered up this morning so we could see her skinny little legs all stretched out and her little toes! I think she gets her long fingers and toes from her daddy :) It makes me feel good to hear that all of the nurses enjoy taking care of her and how they love her spunky personality. She is always moving around, dancing like a little queen, and as the nurses say "making big plans!" I will continue to keep everyone updated, thanks for the checking up on her and for all of the messages :)

CO2 Levels

February 27, 2009

Ava's doctor came in early this morning and said that they had to put her on a different ventilator because she was retaining CO2. They put her on a high frequency oscillator so that it will provide constant pressure to her lungs keeping them inflated with air. He said that the oscillator vibrates very rapidly and that you can see her chest wiggle. He said that this is common in babies her age and that she is doing just as he expected her to. A normal CO2 is 40, her level was 60 but he said that a level of 100 would be a problem but that they have it under control now with the oscillator.

The beginning..

February 27, 2009

A couple of weeks ago, I began to have problems controlling my blood pressure and started to have severe swelling in ankles. I had an appointment scheduled this past Tuesday but ended up going in Monday morning because I hadn't felt the baby move since Saturday night. The doctor ended up admitting me and they figured they would try to control my blood pressure and put me on fluids as well as oxygen so that we could make sure Ava was getting the blood and oxygen supply that she needed. My blood pressure was getting worse due to the pregnancy and my past medical history involving my kidneys so the doctor decided Tuesday morning that Ava needed to come out. My doctor met with a few other doctors and decided that Ava would be better off outside in their care even though she was only 26 weeks. I had a cesarean section scheduled for 7:30 Wednesday morning and little Ava was brought into this world at 8:01 weighing only 1 lb and 7 oz! The staff had to do compressions on her for about 20 seconds and her little heart has been beating strong ever since. Ava is now in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where she is receiving the best medical care that we could ask for. She is receiving total parenteral nutrition, fluids, and they have her intubated and on oxygen. So far the doctors say that Ava has been doing well and is doing just what a 26 week old baby should be doing. I will keep everyone updated on Ava's progression. Thanks for all of the flowers, support, and prayers. James' and I wouldn't make it through all of this if it weren't for good friends and family :)