Friday, May 22, 2009

Kelly and Ava...

March 9, 2009

Hello this is Casey again..I will start off with a little update on Ava then let you know what is going on with Kelly. I went to see Ava last night and she is still off the ventilator and moving around like a wild child. She cracks me up because we will be sitting down and all of the sudden we will see her feet or hands just pop up in the air and wiggle around! Her nurse said that she had been doing really well and was just being her spunky self! As for Kelly, yesterday was a very rough day for her. She had been having some pain around her incision where it is healing but yesterday around noon she started to have some upper left abdominal pain that was excruciating. She couldn't move without the pain getting worse and it started to radiate throughout her whole abdomen. She was really upset because she was supposed to hold Ava for the first time last night but she was in too much pain so we had to talk her into to calling Ava's nurse to let her know that she wasn't coming. We ended up taking her to the ER at Clarian last night and they gave her pain medication to help relieve her pain until they could do a catscan. The catscan revealed that Kelly has pancreatitis which the doctors found very odd for someone her age and considering her health history. They did a little research and found out that one of Kelly's anti-rejection drugs that she takes for her kidney can cause pancreatitis. They had to switch her medications when she became pregnant with Ava and the one that they switched to is the one causing the pancreatitis. So basically they were planning on taking her off of that one anyway and putting her back on what she normally takes so they went ahead and took her off of it last night. They admitted Kelly to help control her pain (she was requiring very very large doses of pain medicine to help control this pain) and so a GI doctor could see her this morning to see if they needed to do anything else for the pancreatitis or if it would resolve itself. They put her on the 5th floor last night but moved her this morning to the 3rd floor so that she could be on the same floor as Ava. I will keep everyone updated on Kell's and Ava's status. Thanks again for everything :)

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